create the folder. Any place on your computer..
that folder opens with vs code.
on vs code open the terminal...
type below command
py -m venv vbox
vbox means virtual box .. you can create other names as your wish according your project
it's crate the virtual box...
once create the vbox.. activate the vbox through the below cmd...
now it's activated and shows like (vbox)
once it's you create the vbox enter below cmd
pip install fastapi[standard]
it's install fastapi and all tools
once it's done.. you have to enter below cmd.. so that your project safe and sucure for runing..
pip freeze > requirements.txt
after that you have to create the and enter the below code
once it's done we have to run server on below cmd
fastapi dev
it's starting the server
One of the most exciting features of FastAPI is its automatic documentation. When you run your FastAPI application, two documentation interfaces are automatically generated: Swagger UI and Redoc.
You can access these at for Swagger UI
and for Redoc
if you can change the path also defalt is 8000..
for that you have to enter like this.. fastapi dev --port 1223
now it's sharting for this port
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