11. Python Escape Sequences Characters & Comments


Escape Sequences Characters

The Characters which has some special function. Such type of charters are Escape Sequences Characters.

 List of Escape Sequences Characters

Escape Sequence



Break a Line into Multiple lines while ensuring the continuation of the line


Inserts a Backslash character in the string


 Inserts a Single Quote character in the string


Inserts a Double Quote character in the string


Inserts a New Line in the string


 Inserts a Tab in the string


Inserts a Carriage Return in the string


Inserts a Backspace in the string


Inserts a Unicode character in the string


Inserts a character in the string based on its Octal value


 Inserts a character in the string based on its Hex value


1. >>> print("You can break \

… single line to \

… multiple lines")

You can break a single-line into multiple lines

2. >>> print('print backslash \\ inside a string ')

print backslash \ inside a string

3. >>> print('print single-quote \' within a string')

print single quote ' within a string

4. >>> print("print double-quote \" within a string")

print double quote " within a string

5. >>> print("First line \nSecond line")

First line

Second line

6. >>> print("tab\tspacing")

tab spacing

7. >>> print("same\rlike")


8. >>> print("He\bi")


9. >>> print("\u20B9")

10. >>> print("\046")


11. >>> print("\x24")



Comments are a very important part of any program. A comment is a text that, ignored by the Python interpreter. Comments are used to help you and other programmers understand, maintain, and debug the program.

Python uses two types of comments: single-line comments and multiline comments.

 Single Line Comment

In Python, the hash (#) symbol using for comment. Hash (#) symbol makes all texts convert into a comment. For example,

 #This is single-line Python comment

Multiline Comments

If the comment extends multiple lines, then one way of commenting on those lines is to use

hash (#) the symbol at the beginning of each line. 

For example,

 #This is

#multiline comments

#in Python

Another way of doing this is to use triple quotes, either ''' or """. These triple quotes are generally used for multiline strings. and sometimes this type is called a doc-string. However, they can be used as a multiline comment as well. 

 For example,

'''This is

multiline comment

in Python using triple quotes'''



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